Qué hacemos

Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada (Aid to the Church in Need – ACN) es una Fundación Pontificia cuyo objetivo es ayudar a la Iglesia allá donde esté perseguida, oprimida o sufra necesidad material. Prueba nuestros casinos para moviles con grandes bonos para ti. ACN se centra en apoyar a las iglesias locales, especialmente en aquellos países en los que la Iglesia no puede mantenerse a sí misma o, de hacerlo, sólo con grandes dificultades. Nuestra respuesta a las solicitudes de ayuda que nos llegan de todo el mundo está determinada por la naturaleza pastoral del proyecto.

Nuestra Misión y Visión


Ayuda a la Iglesia Necesitada socorre a los cristianos allí donde son perseguidos, oprimidos o tienen necesidades pastorales a través de la información, la oración y la caridad.


Un mundo en el que el cristianismo florezca en todas partes.

Porque la fe lleva
a la esperanza

Our Values

1. Christian faith and love
The grounds of all our initiatives are Christian faith and love, and also our loyalty to the Holy Father and the Doctrine and institutions of the Roman Catholic Church.

2. Prayer
Individual or community daily prayer encourages our work and strengthens our evangelizing spirit. It prompts us to serve and help those who suffer for their loyalty to Christ and the Church, on whose prayer we depend on.

3. Pastoral commitment
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season;(2 Timothy 4,2). Acknowledging the challenges of the times in which we live. To do this, we got the commitment of our benefactors with whose donations we support pastoral projects.

4. Unity
Perceived as a “bridge of love” since the beginning, ACN is at the service of unity and reconciliation. By seeking communion, we establish a bridge between benefactors and beneficiaries through the prayer, information and by transmitting gratitude

5. Service
We carry out our mission through humble and selfless service, listening to the needs of our companions. We aspire to be a personal source of comfort and strength for our beneficiaries and benefactors.

6. Open Spirit
Through our support of the Universal Church, we promote respectful dialogue between the different cultures of the world. We ourselves live this open spirit in our many encounters inside and outside the Catholic Church.

7. Responsibility
We manage the funds we receive with the utmost professionalism, seeking efficiency and evaluating the impact both on the financed activities and on our internal organization. We work with transparency, presenting our sources, use and results of the funds received.

8. Confidence
Our unwavering trust in Divine Providence leads us into the future and enables us to place our trust in others and earn theirs. Consecrated to Our Lady of Fatima, we are driven by hope and trust.